Trex Company encourages all individuals, whether an employee or third party, to report to the Audit Committee any information relating to questionable accounting, internal accounting controls and auditing matters. You may either identify yourself in your report or remain anonymous. Call the company's Governance Hotline (800-719-4916) or write The Audit Committee at:
Trex Company, Inc.
Audit Committee Chairman
c/o Woods Rogers PLC
901 East Byrd Street, Suite 1550
Richmond, VA 23219
An independent third-party vendor maintains this Governance Hotline, and all calls are e-mailed immediately to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. To maintain your anonymity, your calls are passed through proprietary anonymizing filters to "mask" them, and the originating phone number of your call is removed from the associated audio file. If you wish to identify yourself, you may do so in your message. If you wish to submit relevant records, they should be mailed to the above address.
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